Our Tax Experts are Here for Your Business
Small business tax return preparation and filing instructions is a core service offered to our clients. Whether your company is a C corporation, S Corp, Limited Liability Company, Partnership or Sole Proprietor a properly prepared tax return can be filed to minimize the tax owed. Over the years, 100's of small business Federal and State tax returns have been prepared for both service and manufacturing company clients.
Tax tips for small businesses
Just because tax law can be complicated doesn't mean you have to get overwhelmed. Here are some tips on how to manage your taxes year-round.
- Think about taxes all year long. Small business owners should not treat income taxes as a once-a-year event. Rather, tax planning should be a year-round activity. Waiting until the last minute makes tax preparation more complicated, and it limits your money-saving options.
- Hire a pro. A knowledgeable tax attorney or accountant is well worth the expense, experts say. Tax laws are complex, and they're difficult for many busy small business owners to weed through. A professional can identify tax breaks and deductions you might otherwise miss.
- Be aware. Even with the help of a skilled professional, a small business owner must keep up with news related to laws. Read the business papers and keep up with Congress' work on tax laws.
- Don't make assumptions. Tax planning, to some extent, is a gamble. Never make business decisions assuming that particular tax breaks will pass, or that certain policies will be enacted.
"The best course of action [is to] go about your business as normal," Harris said. "Plan for today’s tax law and don’t get hung up on something that isn’t here yet. We’ll have plenty of time to figure the changes out when and if they come next year."
- See more at: http://www.businessnewsdaily.com/7720-small-business-taxes.html#sthash.E3RsvsZ0.dpuf
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